Posted by: Stanley | March 12, 2010

Heaven Earth & Man

Heaven, Earth and Man or Tian, Di, Ren in chinese typically represents the “trinity” of chinese metaphysics. First you have Heaven where your destiny on this plane of existence is so-called “decided”. This is coded in your 8 characters or Bazi in chinese. Next there is Earth where there is this energy known as “Qi” that surrounds everything. Then there is you, the “Man” in the middle. A person’s fate is divided into roughly these 3 portions: 33% decided by heaven, 33% controlled by earth & 33% determined by you.

You are where you are right now in your life due to the decisions that you made or did not make, based on your character and temperament, as written in your Bazi. Your Bazi is unchangeable so if it “says” your life is destined to be average then you will never be rich and wealthy by default. But fortunately that is just 33% of the total equation and you can change that to your favour by using the earth and man portion. With feng shui you can adjust the Qi in your living environment to harmonize with you thus putting the Earth portion in your favour. And of course you must do your part, take action and do the necessary to change your circumstances. This will put the Man portion in your favour too.

Sad to say this is the most critical portion that majority of the people who complains that why feng shui does not work for them, neglect. Eg. a friend of a client wanted to be promoted career-wise. After doing the necessary feng shui to support her goal, she was given the opportunity to set up an office in a neighbouring country as a country manager but she ding-a-donged and another more ambitious colleague got the assignment instead. Last I heard she was still holding on to her old position. Oh well.

Someone once told me “you can lead a cow to a river but if it does not want to drink, it will still die of thirst.”

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